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Products: Our Story
SMART BLEND TECHNOLOGY is a diverse nutrient source and a probiotic. It contains hundreds of species of mostly facultative anaerobic microbes. The microorganisms are 'flexible facultative' meaning they can use either aerobic or anaerobic respiration and can therefore adapt to changes in soil oxygen. The microbes that proliferate through this process include both bacteria and fungi that have evolved to help plants take in the nutrients and fight off diseases from decomposing organic matter.
Our products are full of organic acids that plants love, such as lactic, acetic, humic, and fluvic acid. When mixed with the right ratio of water, our products can be delivered to plants with an overall pH that’s near neutral, so it doesn’t over acidify the soil. It’s guaranteed to be 100% safe and pathogen free because the pH <4.0 and is kept there, human pathogens cannot survive in that environment.
SMART BLEND TECHNOLOGY builds soil organic matter that helps retain mineral nutrients for later use by plants, which quickly saturate depleted soils, jumpstarting the process of remediation, and building the reservoir of organic matter.
A nutrient analysis of SMART BLEND TECHNOLOGY, using standard laboratory techniques, yields results that would be dismaying to the conventional fertilizer manufacturer: it shows low percentages of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Nutrients that are not readily available to plants will not show up in these types of tests. They are missing the potential for microorganisms to convert those nutrients into something the plants can use. The balance of bacteria and fungi are the main contributor to this, because a conventional soil test does not show any surplus nutrients. These tests also do not consider the effects of microbe species which may help plants obtain nutrients from the soil or the air (i.e. nitrogen fixation) that were not available to them otherwise.
Implementing SMART BLEND TECHNOLOGY in your production practices will result in higher brix levels, increased yields, lower input costs, and reduction in chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Products: Text
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